Hydro Development Project Timeline

A hydro facility is a large undertaking. It can take a minimum of 10-15 years to select, plan and build a hydro project. The chart below shows a typical development timeline for a hydro project. The timeline can shift when considering the development and exploration of several options at the same time.



Project Identification
Review of potential hydro sites and the development of a business case for one or more projects.
1-2 years
Pre-Feasibility Study
Further explore selected options and refine technical analysis for decision-making.
2-3 years
Project Selection and Confirmation
Select on a project to move forward with.
1-2 years
Feasibility Study
Further refine the technical analysis, examine business model options and partnerships.
2-3 years


Site Design and Planning
Create a site plan and design for the hydro facility.
1-3 years
Assessment and Permitting
Submit site plans to YESAA, affected First Nations and others for stakeholder consultation, assessment and permitting.
2-3 years
Construction & Commissioning
Construct and commission the facility.
2-3 years
Operation   70+ years